Sunday, December 26, 2021

Lord I am so TIRED of snowflakes! And I do not mean the weather kind.

Shake my head, with a big SIGH!.. I am so tired of having to interact with stupid people and snowflakes.

So this is going to be a rant posting. 

I used to advocate for veterans. No more. Too many just want people to do things for them that they can do for themselves, or won't do what they need to do to improve their situations. Its like talking to a wall. So now when one asks for my help, I refer them to the VA.  Friends of mine, several who also were advocates, all have burned out just like I have. We still help some, but are very picky about who we help.

I am also tired of helping people who CAN help themselves, but will not. No, you won't go out and spend 90 bucks on a printer that you need, or an OBD reader (car/truck diagnostic hand held readout computer) for 70 bucks, but you will spend 4 to 9 thousand on new Quads for yourself and your kids that you use sparingly on weekends between May and September. Mean while your truck/car breaks down 3 times a year and you get frustrated because it costs you a over 100 dollars to take it in and have a mechanic check it out to tell you whats wrong with it, (simple sensor replacement) when the OBD reader could tell you what the problem is in about 30 seconds.. DUH! 

I have been in electronics since I was 14. Back then we still used vacuum tubes. The digital age was just beginning, so I had to learn that too, but it was in its infancy and progressed rapidly. Now few things use the tube technology. Everything is digital which makes some things easier to troubleshoot. 

Been a PC computer tech since they first came out. My first PC ran DOS .99 beta, before DOS became the first official PC user programing language. I owned an original Mac. And what was then called an IBM, which is now called Windows systems.  I stayed with the windows operating system as the one I use, but still can and do know and can operate MAC systems as well.

From windows 3.0 all the way up to windows 10, I have ran them all. 

From 8088 CPU based computers to the new AMD/Intel chips of today, I have worked on Desktops, Towers, Laptops, smart phones, and tablets. And just about every major brand name out there.

And I am tired of stupid people who should not own any of it. 

People who do not manage their passwords properly are a real thorn in my side. I tell them to get a small note book, write down the website address, the log on name used, the password and what date they created it and leave a few spaces below for later info.. They do not. I tell them to write this info in a note file and save it to a flash drive or (back then a floppy disk) or a back up. They do not. Then they wonder why I cannot hack their system so they can reset the password without losing data.

I tell them to back up critical data incase their Hard drive dies.. they do not. Then they whine when they lose it all. 

Then I got the ones that write it down in several locations, with Password info scattred on dozens of sheets of note paper, scattered thru out their desk area or office room, and they cannot remember where it is.   Totally unorganized. 

I help a lotta folks on limited resources. Retirees on limited funds, disabled people on limited funds, etc. Many have older systems that must be upgraded, yet they want me to keep their old windows 7 machine (and yes one guy was still running windows XP), on line and working but found out they can no longer access their email because their system is no longer supported. 

Hard drives and DVD/CDs are becoming a thing of the past. New tech is SSD (solid state drives) and flash drives.  Yet folks want me to fix their older machines to keep them running and/or replace components that you cannot even get anymore.

Then there are the PHONE people.. The ones that shouldn't even own a cell phone. If they do, it should be a simple talk and text only phone and nothing more.  Smart phone with dumb users is what I call them. I have spent hours and hours trying to teach people how to use their smart phones.  And many times it ends in frustration.

New tech for internet and new printer setup software now requires you to have a smart phone with its own internet access, to set up the new printer or internet hardware from your ISP (internet service provider).  Not everyone owns a smart phone, and still some who do (because they had no other choice but to get one) don't have a clue as to how to use them.  It gets frustrating.  They cannot set up these devices without one.. or if they do not have an email address or a phone number..  I have several people here who do not own a phone at all!
And since land lines are now a thing of the past (very few left), most people who have what looks like a land line, is actually a phone hooked up to cable TV system.  So its either no phone, Cable Phone or a cell phone. And the cell phone users want the cheapest phone (least capable) phone they can get. 

And I am now telling people that I no longer do that stuff.. In reality I do it for a few close friends and relatives.. no others.  

Then you got the snowflakes. They are all over the place.. say the wrong thing and you get banned, you get ignored, you get shamed, you get ostracized, you get shunned. It may be as simple as accidently dropping an F-bomb, or sharing an opinion that someone else doesn't like or agree with, or whatever. 

It is like being thrown in facebook jail, where you are not allowed to post or say anything for a week, 3 weeks or a month. Or you get banned, or your page shut down. 

 But this is happening in the real world. And I am tired of it all. 

I haven't owned a TV since 2006. My voice mail is full of robo calls and I am having my phone service provider shut off voice mail. I will only do texts and voice. Yes I have an expensive Smart phone. I do not used it as a computer as some people do. But every once in a while when I am on the road I will use some of the higher capabilities of it. 

The smart phone was not intended to do what a desktop can do, and a laptop cannot do what a desk top can do. My 10 inch screen tablet cannot do what either of them do, and I use it to play one game  - Boom Beach. 

I find myself slowly but steadily unplugging from the world.  Soon I may not even have internet anywhere but on my cell phone and that will be limited to just a few people.

I stopped giving out my new email address and my phone number. I tell people they don't need it. It is amazing how many companies refuse to do business with me if I do not give out an email address, or phone number, or both.  What I find amazing is the looks I get from snowflakes who cannot believe that I can live without either one of them. 

Walgreens sent me so many robo calls, my provider now blocks their calls. Same with spectrum health. And they are not happy about it. But like I told them.. Stop the robo calls or it would happen. They did not and it did. Now they can text me or send me a snail mail message.

Soon I will just have snail mail and a basic cell phone that does talk and text only. No 2 lines, no video calls, no voice mail. Just a cell phone.  

And I am finding I am enjoying the peace and quiet and solitude. 

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Kyle Rittenhouse verdict is making stupid people even dumber.

 Gowd, I am tired of stupid people. Even more tired of the low level journalism being done in our news media. 

I have watched and read countless articles miss identifying the kind of rifle used in this case. They keep calling it an AR15, which stands for Armalite Rifle model 15. It is a MR 15, made by Smith and Wesson. There are several other manufactures out there that make the same rifle, and it looks just like that one. It does not mean that their rifle is an AR15.  The "15" designation is the standard for the civilian model of a Military weapon. As such is is by law, SEMI-automatic. It is NOT an automatic rifle, as many claim (due to their ignorance or just being lazy). There is a difference and it makes ALL the difference.  An automatic rifle is one that shoots more than 1 shot with each release of the trigger. 

Then there are those who were not in the court room whose brains are so small they think they know more about this case than the jury did. They claim he should have been found guilty. How can these fools say that when they don't even have all the facts? They are ignoring a very important key to our american freedom. That is our right to be judged by a jury of our peers. But these idiots are not accepting that verdict. They seem to think they know better and the jury system must be flawed because it did not turn out how THEY thought it should. 

Then there are the fools that continuously call Kyle a racist. Kyle shot 3 white guys, (his own color) so how does that make him a racist?  I have seen where 3 village idiots even claim he shot 3 black people. Sigh! How can people be so dumb?!!

The justice system worked and people are angry about it. Why? Do they really want a banana republic type justice system? Do they really want mob mentality justice? Public lynchings? Because that is the message these morons are sending.   And that should worry every Law abiding citizen.

Kenosha was quiet the night of the verdict. But Portland Oregon, another state, nearly half a country away, erupted in rioting. Why? What did portland have to do with what happened in Kenosha Wisconsin?

Then on top of all this you have the mass Propaganda machine called the Main Stream Media who was pushing its own narrative of the situation. And in doing so look what happened. 

The court house was threatened, the judge, jury and accused persons were threatened. All because things were not going the way the peons wanted them to go.  What kind of behavior is this and why are Americans accepting it as being normal? 

I have come to the conclusion that we cannot have a proper system of justice if the courts allow the media to have free reign during these high profile cases. The judges MUST control the media by refusing them access to the court, and to the court proceedings. Judges must do this to protect the members of the Juries and to protect the right of the accused to a fair and just trial.  

Media if anything should encourage the juries to look at all the facts that are established, to toss out ides or conjectures and pass their judgement according to the facts of the case and according to the laws of the State they are in, and if in federal court, the laws of the Nation. 

On top of this our usual band of village idiots in WDC are trying to come up with a justification for having the federal government look into this, just because Kyle exercised his right to travel and crossed a state line. WOW, what is next?  "show me our papers?!" just to travel? What happened to our freedoms?  The imbeciles in WDC who swore to uphold the US Constitution seem to be doing their best to destroy it.   

And we the people are allowing it.. what a shame. 

Monday, November 1, 2021

Michigan circuit family court judge T. J. Ackert is a liar and needs to be removed from the bench.

 In Feb of 2021, Judge Ackert in a court hearing told a plaintiff that if she appeared in court over the same issues, (the ones she had been in court 7 times prior over), that there would be a custody change. 

She was facing 7,500 dollars in civil contempt charges. And legal and attorney fees.

Today she was back in court, again for the same issues. Her 9th appearance. 

She got No fines, not contempt charges, no legal fees, and no custody change. 

The judge gave her another empty threat of custody change. And a few more empty threats of making her pay fines, and court costs, and attorney fees, and being investigated.

All this loser judge is doing is dragging this out, costing the father hundreds of dollars that he cannot use for the benefit of his own kids.  

9 times in court over the same issues. The issues that SHE agreed to as part of her divorce request. 

Congratulations Judge Ackert, this is why the MGTOW movement is growing, (Men Going Their Own Way), and why many guys just give up and leave michigan never to return and never pay child support because a-holes like Akerman turn the fathers into Glorified limitless ATM machines. 

Time to remove this useless judge. 

Saturday, July 24, 2021

What is the Michigan Government afraid of?

 We have strong proof of Election Fraud in Michigan, yet none of our politicians and few judges will even consider examining the evidence!  Why is this? 

What are they afraid of? That the people will lose faith in our election system? Or that we will vote them all out and vote in 3rd party people for a change? 

Here's a few questions about Michigan:

          Dem poll-watchers outnumber GOP 3:1. -- Republican officials have been barred from observing the counting of absentee ballots, and that transposed absentee ballots are being certified without a GOP official signing off on them. After kicking out Republican poll challengers, election officials began covering up the windows of the counting rooms with cardboard to block the view of Republican observers.

          In Michigan, only ballots received by 8 p.m. on Election Day, this year Nov. 3, are valid. - a Republican poll challenger, filed an affidavit saying she was told by someone counting absentee ballots that workers in Detroit were “changing the dates the ballots were received” so they would be considered valid.   This evidence needs to be examined, and if found to be a like, the person filing it needs to be prosecuted for perjury and held to the law. 


          A post-election audit found that nearly 30 percent of precincts showed discrepancies in vote totals. – The Detroit News reported that “legally incapacitated nursing home residents were being coaxed to vote and Detroit’s voting rolls were inflated with more than 300,000 names of people who had died or moved out of the city.” - Voter rolls are “replete with typos, dead people, duplicate registrations and mistakes about gender and birth: One Detroit voter is listed as being born in 1823—14 years before Michigan was annexed into the Union,” according to the Detroit Free Press.


          Truck full of ballots arrives at TCF Center at 3-4:00am, long after the legal deadline.

          Former Michigan state Sen. Pat Colbeck, who has a background in information technology and cybersecurity, having worked for the Defense Department, NASA, and other entities, testified that the numbers do not match up to demonstrate Biden clearly won the state—or at least not by the margin as it stands now. - With the Dominion Voting Systems, he added, “there is a transmittal of fractional vote data.”  “You guys have done a lot of votes inside the Senate, as I did when I was serving my two terms. I don’t recall any of those vote tallies up on the board having a decimal point. Do you guys?”

          A contractor with Dominion Voting Systems—the controversial voting machine company that prompted questions, an information technology and cybersecurity specialist said, “What I witnessed at the TCF Center was completely fraud. The whole 27 hours I was there, there were batches of ballots run through the tabulating machines numerous times, being counted eight to 10 times. I watched this with my own eyes.” A Republican poll challenger at the TCF Center in Detroit, claimed she saw copies of ballots being made to increase Biden’s vote total. “They were all for Biden across the board. There wasn’t a single Trump vote. None of the voters are registered,” she said. -- She said election workers entered names and addresses with phony birthdates that she said “would override the system and allow them to enter nonregistered voters.” - “Throughout the day, that’s how they would override voters that were neither in the electronic poll book or the supplemental, updated poll book,” she said.

          Election Security expert Russell Ramsland, the co-owner of Allied Security Operations Group (ASOG). His company specializes in detecting election fraud, cybersecurity, open source intelligence and global security services. Ramsland served in the Reagan administration and has worked for both NASA and MIT. - In the affidavit concerning the election in Michigan, Ramsland determined – without question – that vote fraud and ballot tampering took place in the 2020 General Election in Michigan determining the results as they are currently known to be a “physical impossibility.” - “My colleagues and I… have studied… the November 3, 2020, election results. Based on the significant anomalies and red flags that we have observed, we believe there is a significant probability that election results have been manipulated…” Ramsland wrote. - “I figured out how to make a slightly different computer program that just before the polls were closed it switches some votes around from one candidate to another. I wrote that computer program into a memory chip and now to hack a voting machine you need just 7 minutes alone with it and a screw driver.” - “The final red flag is perhaps the greatest,” Ramsland wrote. “In the data are 4 spikes totaling 384, 733 ballots allegedly processed in a combined interval of only 2 hours and 38 minutes. This is physically impossible given the available equipment at the 4 reference locations.”

          A single computer “glitch” in Antium County awarded 6,000 votes to Biden and the Democrats that were supposed to go to President Trump. With 47 Michigan counties using this software, similar glitches might yield a discrepancy of hundreds of thousands of ballots — or even more.


          An affidavit from a city employee claiming she was asked to backdate ballots. - ‘I was instructed by my supervisor to adjust the mailing date of these absentee ballot packages to be dated earlier than they were actually sent. The supervisor was making announcements for all workers to engage in this practice.’” – Another United States Postal Service worker on Wednesday told Project Veritas that a supervisor named Johnathan Clarke in Traverse City, Michigan – one of the big swing states this election cycle – potentially engaged in voter fraud. "We were issued a directive this morning to collect any ballots we find in mailboxes, collection boxes, just outgoing mail in general, separate them at the end of the day so that they could hand stamp them with the previous day's date," the whistleblower stated. "Today is November 4th for clarification."


          Monolithic vote dumps that awarded 138,000-plus votes to Joe Biden. Biden somehow got 138,339 votes and Trump got none, zero, in an overnight vote-dump. - This one is over-the-top ridiculous. They 'stopped the counting' in MI, GA, PA, and WI, but they didn't stop at 3:00AM, 138,339 votes for Biden in MI.

          An election worker in Detroit has signed an affidavit alleging she witnessed her fellow election workers attempting to coach voters to cast ballots for Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, Newsweek  reported.

          She added that a supervisor ordered her “not to ask for a driver’s license or any photo I.D. when a person was trying to vote.” - At the satellite location, she said she observed a “large number of people” showing up to vote in-person who “had already applied for an absentee ballot.” - “These people were allowed to vote in-person and were not required to return the mailed absentee ballot or sign an affidavit that the voter lost the mailed absentee ballot.”

The evidence being shown to the people of Michigan needs to be examined. The 2020 election needs to be audited via a forensic audit, so that our lawmakers can write new laws to prevent this kind of fiasco from happening again in the future. 

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Michigan Politicians in denial about 2020 Vote Fraud.


2020 Vote fraud is:

·        Failure of district workers handling of voting records.  Detroit

·        Failure to properly audit election results to get an accurate count. Sec of State

·        Ballot harvesting

·        Failure of States to verify eligibility of voters. Most districts

·        Refusal of mainstream media to allow any stories suggesting something wrong happened during the 2020 election process.

·        Mainstream media’s constantly lying about Claims made by Donald Trump that have not been properly investigated.

·        Failure by the judiciary to hear evidence of vote fraud, and/or improper handling of ballots, improper counting, and problems with vote counting machines.

·        Failure of the US Supreme court to hear the Constitutional Complaint filed by the State of Texas, the only State that is a state by CONTRACT. I consider this to be a breach of that contract.

·        States failure to maintain proper voter rolls is vote fraud.

·        10,000 votes cast in a district with only 8,000 valid voters.

·        Refusal to allow preapproved observers to observe the vote counting process, is vote fraud. This happened in several districts.

·        Failure to follow established procedures during vote counting, is vote fraud.

Fraud OF ANY KIND voids everything. 2020 Vote in Michigan is strife with

FRAUD of many kinds. Our elected politicians REFUSE to acknowledge it.  

Shame on them.

Saturday, July 3, 2021

"Subscriptions", the new stupid Software standard that people hate.

Well after a decade I have decided to upgrade some software. Bad enough I have to operate with winblows 10. I liked Microsoft office and MS Publisher, and a few other programs. But then I found out you cannot buy them as stand alone programs.  And its all of the MS programs for the most part, if you want anything good. 

Now you have to have a "Subscription" and make MONTHLY payments. 

WTF is this cockelmamy Bullsh*t?!!! 

Yes in the day when more than ever, unscrupulous hackers are trying their best to break into your bank account, steal your ID and your life, these idiot software companies want access to your bank account information EVERY MONTH. Do you really think that information is safe with them?  

How many times in the last few years have we seen reports on Main Stream news that a corporation had its data based hacked, and peoples information which included credit card numbers, bank account info, and other stuff, was stolen?  Does anyone really trust these tech companies with their private info? I sure as heck do not.

And it's not just Microsoft. Just found out photoshop is the same. Ya have to subscribe to it. Nope. Not me. So far every program I wanted to update and upgrade has done this. So I won't be running any software other than win blows 10 that is newer than 2014.  Oh well. 

Heck I don't like my phone company having  my banking information, but to have my phone I have no choice in it. It is either give them the info or no phone. Starting to think that may not be a bad idea.

I had voice mail turned off by my phone service provider because the only people using it were spammers and telemarketers which were not supposed to be calling me at all, since my number has been in the do not call list for over 8 years.  That turned out to be a joke, didn't it? The FCC is doing NOTHING to stop those calls.

I bought a new (to me) vehicle that was less than 6 months old (still under original warrantee) 2 months ago, and with in a week, people were calling me telling me it was about to expire and wanted to sell me an extended warrantee. SMH

Ya know, I unplugged my TV in 2006 and sold it. No longer have comcast (SUCKS) cable tv bill anymore.  I am about ready to do the same with this computer. I can do email on my "smart phone", if I have to.  I really don't need all this invasion of my privacy by these software companies, and utility companies, to survive.  

I have a friend who does not have Internet, No TV, No computer, no smart phone. They hate him. No one  knows how to contact him. Guess they never heard of a US Postal LETTER!  
He has a basic cell phone with no voice mail, no call waiting and if your number is not in his contact list or the caller ID does not show your info, it doesn't even ring. His doctors office hates that. He loves it. No one bothers him anymore and he is free to enjoy the remainder of his life in peace.  And hes not paying a single subscription fee. 

Facebook and Google are viruses designed to look in your computer for personal information and track every where you go. Even today's smart phones have tracking software built into them. So much for your right to privacy. 

I think its time to unplug from this version of the world. I don't like it.

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Not just the USA, other countries are falling apart.

 I have been watching the news (not American as its just propaganda) about other countries and the problems they are having after allowing massive immigration into their countries. 

Most European countries, Australia, New Zeeland, most of the 1st world countries except Japan who REFUSED to participate in that massive migration. I see why. They have limited space and already have a large population.

But these other countries and the USA are suffering now due to uncontrolled immigration, and allowing illegals to stay in their countries. Crime rates going up. People can't have nice things. No respect of personal property.  People used to be able to leave things in their yards and vehicles. Not anymore. In many areas it is not uncommon to find someone walking door to door in a neighborhood checking out peoples cars and trucks in the middle of the night and taking things. Evidence of this is from the growing number of people using security cameras and doorbell cameras. Package theft is a big problem now so people started getting doorbell cameras and started catching the people doing it. Other times these security cameras capture people looking in cars or the backs of trucks or even worse - going into a persons yard, thru a closed gate to take things that do not belong to them. 

Most but not all of these crooks are illegal immigrants. The remaining tend to be druggies looking for fast cash to pay for their habit.  Some are just habitual criminals. In some countries, homeowners have no rights to stop them or do anything other than lock their property up as best they can. 

This is why we just cannot have nice things anymore. Too many people walking around thinking its ok to take things that do not belong to them as long as they do not get caught. 

Here in the USA, some states allow you to shoot the thieves.  Others allow it only if they break into your home and cross the threshold.  I think every home owner who can capture the theft on video should have the right to shoot, without repercussion. Doing so would eliminate a lot of repeat offenders.  But the anti gun lobby is fiercely fighting that. 

Now we have cities where people are shop lifting at an unbelievable rates. Stores are pulling out of those cities. Cops are not allowed to arrest and prosecute them. Store policies do not allow employees to stop and detain the shop lifters. 

And in some other cities, cops are now being told NOT to do foot chases to apprehend criminals. Which means the crook and just run away and not worry about being arrested.  

In many places, cops aren't even enforcing traffic laws.  Defund the cops is a big political issue and cops are tired of risking their lives for little pay. Many are reluctant to get involved in the arrest of people resisting arrest out of fear if they make even a minor mistake which could end up with them facing a trial in court. 

Some police departments are finding it hard to recruit new people as the aging population starts retiring and officers at retirement are getting out as soon as they can. All due to the negative political pressure being put on police. 

This is destroying our civilization from within. Uncontrolled immigration and lack of proper policing. This leads to chaos and the enemies of freedom are the only winners. 

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

The Environmental impact of sending just one un-needed letter is ?

 Ok all you Environmental extremists and Greenies out there.  I need your help. And believe it or not, I am one of you, just not as extreme as some of you. 

Can anyone tell me the environmental cost of sending just one worthless, un needed letter? 

I am talking from the very start. The harvesting of the trees to make the paper, the fuel used to run the tree harvester, to haul the tree to the processing plant, the processing/paper plant, the transport of the paper to the printer, the printers impact, the trans port of the printed products (paper and envelopes) mailing it, fuel for the postal deliver trucks, everything.. 

I really would like to know because I just received the most useless unneeded letter from a utility company informing me my utility bill may go up 1 dollar per month this summer! 

Now multiply that by the thousands of other customers who got the same or similar letters, and this is why we have environmental crises going on.   Un needed junk mail is a major pollutant. It is second, in my humble opinion to non recycled plastics. 

So if anyone could answer this, I would appreciate it.

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Bingo Drive sucks.

The Facebook game now just plain sucks.

What used to be the premier game of all bingo games on Facebook and probably on line, Bingo Drive  started out as a really cool game.  But now it just sucks. Its become a torture to play this game every day, as it has become a pay to win game, with Gliding Deer Inc the owners being too greedy. 

At first you could win enough credits to keep going as you slowly made your way thru all the nation maps.  

The game revolves around assembling a puzzle. You win pieces by winning bingos. Each puzzle piece contained part of the picture and a description about the "theme" of that puzzle.  Complete the puzzle and you get a big reward.  First they started with a world tour. Each continent had a series of games. Each game had its own puzzle. 

Then each year they added something new.

Holiday games like Christmas, Easter, St. Paddys day, etc. and with these games came some unusual ways of getting a bingo. It wasn't just straight line bingo, or 4 corner bingo. Some games required you uncover 5 reindeer (in any location on that card) to get a bingo. Or 5 potion bottles (for the Halloween games), or treasure chests for the pirate games. Others required birds fly from the top of the card down to the bottom. Another required Christmas presents to drop from the top to bottom and yet another one contained cookies some with cream on them that had to be hit twice before they cleared out. First hit cleared the cream, then another number was below it. Very difficult to get bingos in that one.

Then they came out with Weekend Race. Then the daily winter race. 

THEN they came out with "spookies" and chests. Get a bingo with a chest and win a spookie. Collect all the spookies in a collection of 10 themes, and win a prize. Finish all 10 themes and get a jackpot prize.  And you could trade some spookies and puzzle pieces with buddies to help you finish your collections.  There was a daily buddy gift part of this where you could send a gift of coins, chips, power ups (low level) or Free spins to a buddy.  

They gave out daily chips too, and on their page posted ways to get even more freebies. The game has power ups so you can increase your chance of getting a bingo. It also has auto daub - for a price. 

The object of winning bingos, getting bingo chips and coins,  all while playing the game was very attractive to a lot of people, Chips pay for bingo cars. Coins buy power ups and pay for auto daub.

Some games only used coins, and not bingo chips.  Nice twist to the game.

Over the years they increased the maximum daily bingo chips to 96. However this last year things changed in a very bad way. 

2 years ago they introduced boosting. Spookie chests now came in 4 colors, orange, blue, violet and pink. Some spookies were extremely rare and could not be traded and the only way to win them was thru a pink chest.  To boost your spookie, you paid more per game. 

A game would start out with 4 cards, and orange chest, and 1 puzzle piece among the 4 cards.  For example, each card cost 2 chips for a total of 8 chips for a 4 card round. For a blue chest you paid 16 chips or double the original price, and there were 2 blue chests and 2 possible puzzle pieces to win. The Violet chest cost you 24 credits, and gave you 3 chests and 3 puzzles. And last the Pink chest cost you 32 credits, up to 4 pink chests and 4 puzzle pieces. Getting a puzzle piece still required you get a bingo. 

And it was harder to win puzzle pieces. If you only paid for boost 1, only the top 2 rows of a 15 piece puzzle would show up in the puzzle cards. If you collected 4 of one, you could trade up to the next piece.  If you boosted, you had a better chance of seeing the higher number puzzle pieces. 

And of course all the time they kept pushing buying more bingo chips and coins from them at ridiculous prices.  And this got worse each year. 

It used to be that you could win enough to keep going, and keep up with new games coming out every month. 

But this year it all changed. They introduced ranking. At first you could only trade with someone of your own rank, and it did not allow trades between say a 2 ranked person and a 6 rank person. This killed off the buddy incentive and trading of puzzle pieces and they lost a lot of people over this.

Then they increased the price of each game base on your rank. A 2 ranked person pays standard price of 12 or more credits for each 4 card round at boost 1. A 8 ranked person pays 60 credits per 4 card round at boost 1 and still only collects 96 credits per day. This means you cannot even afford to play 2 rounds per day unless you manage somehow to win credits - or buy them. 

Also, winning any kind of bingo became harder. Then they started pumping out games, a new one every other week and people cannot keep up. All the time they push buying their bingo chips and coins. But people will not because too many did buy them only to see them wasted away due to the fact that getting any bingo, let alone one with a puzzle, became so difficult. 

People are spending 2 and 3,000 bingo chips on new maps and only getting 3 puzzle pieces. It is very frustrating to them, and its why many are walking away from the game. 

Now we have people who save up bingo chips for a week and only play 1 day a week, because its all they can afford. Many have simply quit the game. They came here to play bingo, not head games about how to collect overpriced bingo chips. And its getting worse.

At 60 credits a round, I save up for a week the play about 8 to 10 rounds in 30 minutes and I am out of credits for another week.  Ptthhhhhhhh!

That is why Bingo drive now SUCKS. They do not listen to the players. They are only interested in forcing you to buy their chips and coins.  Too bad.. There really isn't anything else comparable on face book to compete with them.  Oh well. When enough people leave the game, maybe they will start to listen to the remaining players. Or maybe they will just shut down; which is what they should do now.

Sunday, February 28, 2021

I am tired of Stupid Americans.

 And I am sure the rest of the world is too.

Tired of all these 3rd world immigrants that refuse to embrace their new country, and instead of  melting into it, are trying to change it to the 3rd world sh*t hole they just escaped. 

Tired of Ignorant Americans claiming Corporations pay no taxes, when they pay the vast majority of the taxes. The truth is most American citizens do not owe any income tax at all, yet are fooled into paying it by the US Treasury Department's poorly trained people.

I am tired of stupid peasants who are jealous of people who take the time to learn the nations and their state tax laws so they can take advantage of every loop hole and deduction available to them. 

Tired of lazy people who think health care is a right. If it requires the services of another, it is not a right. These same ignorant people think health care can be free - because they are too stupid to know the government will increase taxes to pay for it. And soon we will be waiting in line for weeks for simple x-rays the way they do in Canada and other such places that have national health care.  

Tired of lifer congress people who are out of touch with every day life in America. 4 years in congress and they accomplish nothing.  We need term limits.

I am tired of people complaining about the rules, then try to change the rules in the middle of the game. They do not want to play by the "rule book" unless its in their favor. They do not want an equally fair competition. To them if they are losing, its not fair, even if its by the established and agreed upon rules.

I am also tired of Politicians who are Bar card carrying lawyers, who ignore our written laws, and are never held accountable. These people need to be arrested, charged, and when convicted, have their law licenses pulled.  Written Statute law overrides, anything any public official says.  If what they say violates the law they SHOULD know, they need to be held accountable in a proper court of law. 

In December 2020, our nations leaders both on a federal and on the state levels proved beyond any doubt that we have the most incompetent, most useless government leaders of any known nation, when they all refused and/or failed to demand verification of their states election results.

The only result we the people have, is we now have proof that our votes really do NOT count. So why bother voting? I sent my voter registration card back last week. 

We now have a village idiot sitting in the white house with a clear case of dementia running the country. WOW.. How could that ever happen in a properly ran mature country?  

Fact is folks, the USA I grew up in, the USA I was taught to respect, to fight for, to leave to my children and grand children, no longer exists.  We are united in name only. We have become like every other 2nd world failure country.  Already those who put the current group of village idiots into power are complaining about them.   Ha ha. I hope you get what you voted for.

My eyes are slowly going dark and soon I will be making the crossing to the next reality. So I won't have to stick around and see the terrible devastation this group is going to impose on this country. I will be in a better place.

You people had your chance.. You blew it..  now don't come crying to the rest of us; we told you this would happen.