Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Major issue with HP Ink jet printers.

 If you have a HP Inkjet printer, and use printing sparingly, you need to pay attention to this major(?) flaw with HP printers.

Ink Jets need to be used, to be printed at least 2 pages of text or one good picture every 2 or 3 weeks. Failure to do this leads to the ink drying up inside the print head which in most cases, is not replaceable and you end up replacing the entire printer.  And they are not cheap. 

If you get the dreaded "There is a problem with the print head" error, with no error code, there is a 99% chance this is what has happened and it will cost you bucks.

Monday, October 26, 2020

HP Printer error "There is a problem with the print head"

 Officejet 6968 less than 2 years old, less than 3 reams of paper ran thru it, 4th set of inks that are less than a month old. And since the last windows 10 update, I am getting an error of  "there is a problem with the print head" with no error code.

HP website says its time to replace the printer.  This means it was JUNK to begin with.  

Not at all happy with HP printers if this is the standard of their quality. 

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Yep, America is racist and here is the proof and the source of most of it : Main Stream Media.

Ya know, I spent most of my life living with people from different ancestry lines. I am Scott-Irish. I have family that has  Polish, Dutch, Latino, Italian, French, German, Asian, and others in their ancestral linage. Don't know if we have any African yet, but it would not surprise me if we do, as we seem to have everything else.

A person's color of their skin has never mattered to me, because I grew up with people of all different colors. Different hair color, eye color, skin color. Some sunburn fast, some tan nicely some never tan at all. We are all different as individuals yet are still family.  Some have straight hair, some have curly hair, some have kinky hair and a few guys have NO hair!.. and they are family.

So I see main stream media constantly pushing racism on us. Why? If America is the great melting pot, and we are all equals, what does it matter what a persons skin color is? A crook is a crook. A criminal is a criminal. A good person is a good person.  

It is the main stream media that is creating and causing all these problems with their constant pushing of their idea of racism.   It is their constant reporting of "black folks" being "oppressed" by white people. Ignore the fact that many of these so called "black criminals" that we never see in the news, are arrested and taken to jail by "black" Police officers.. yet that is not racist at all. Only when someone who is "white" or European ancestry is involved, does it become racist. The media never claims its about the law, and always claims it is about keeping the minority down.  

Such hypocrites. Why? Because 95 percent of the time its just one minority group. The "blacks" that are being "put down" and reported on.  This is the main stream media narrative and it is intended to create strife and destroy unity among the people of this great country.

So yes there is Institutionalized Racism in America - and it all starts with Main Stream Media. 

Saturday, September 26, 2020

I don't care about black lives.

 Now I know this one is going to get me a lot of hate mail, but that's ok. I expect it from closed minded fools. And there are a lot of them out there. 

Black lives do not matter to me. Why you ask. Because I never gave it a thought. I presumed that most folks of African ancestry were just like me. The folks I grew up with here in Grand Rapids. The ones that were my class mates, my friends, my buddies.  The ones I worked with side by side in the Military and after that in the factories and shops here in West Michigan. Just good hard working people trying to raise their families. I didn't even consider them to be black. They were fellow Americans.  To us, the "black people" as we called them in our discussions were the lazy folks looking for government handouts so they wouldn't have to work for a living like the rest of us. And what my friends said who were of African ancestry, was even worse. They clearly distinguished themselves from those "others", from the (N word)'s as they called them.

But with the rise of the new political movements of BLM and Antifa, I had to stop and take another look at these people. 

It is clear that there is a deep problem within the African community in this country. It divides them into 2 categories.  Those who have adapted and are working hard to contribute to this great country, who appreciate its many opportunities and who are blaming no one but themselves for their own failures.

Then there is the other group. They are now claiming that if you do not think the way they do, if you do not agree with them, that you are not black. So they have re-defined what the word Black means. Ok. Fine with me. 

This group of losers goes around blaming others for their failures.  They use their skin color as an excuse for their misery and failures. Claim others are racist when it is they who are the racists.  They think they have a right to steal other peoples property or from businesses such as Shops and stores. Dollar stores are a big target for many of them. They think police are the enemy instead of accepting the fact that their own behavior gets them into trouble because they constantly violate the nations laws. 

Today this group glorifies thugs, criminals, murders and rapists.  They approve the rioting and burning down of our cities, many properties of which belong not to white people but to African Americans! They blame the cops for arresting a long time criminal who is resisting arrest and about to grab a weapon to fight and do harm to the police who are just doing their job. The thug escalates the arrest to the point where they get seriously hurt, or dead.  And the cops get blamed. Not the thug. They then use this as an excuse to become even more violent.  This has to end.

Local news all over the country is full of stories about them. Break ins at Cell phone stores and Gun stores are well over 90 percent committed by this group. Shootings where I live used to happen once every 3 or 4 months. Today its nearly a nightly occurrence.  In some cities the shooting rate is over 50 per weekend and death rate is 20+ per weekend. Thug on thug crimes. 

This one small group, with in the group, is responsible for over 80 percent of the nations crimes. They kill more of their own kind than any other group.  And yet they blame others for their problems, and blame an event in history that happened over 100 years before. 

They NEVER accept responsibility for their own behavior.  This has to change.   

So BLM was started, and its not even about black lives. If it was they would be addressing these issues by these few within their communities that are committing all these crimes.  

Some local government have allowed rioting and destruction to go on for weeks and months. There is no excuse for that failure. These nightly riots must be stopped and government has the tools and the authority to do so. But too many local leaders want it to happen. They must, because they keep allowing it to happen. 

We need tougher laws on rioters. Stiffer penalties and maybe we need to start looking at the ultimate punishment of removal of Citizenship and removing them from the country, telling them to go live somewhere else. 

So I don't care about black lives.  Either they want to live in peace by the simple laws this great nation has, or they need to leave or get thrown out of it. We don't need them here.  Then those of us who remain can get on with living our lives in peace, in friendship, in community and not even think about what color a person's skin is as we continue to make this the greatest country on Earth. 

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Tired of comcast xfinity robots.

Why won't xfininity talk to us?

Have you tried talking to a comcast or xfinity HUMAN worker lately? 

I don't think they exist anymore.  Last month I spent 2 hours on the phone trying to get one.  It took me about 15 tries before I realized I have to jump thru hoops talking to a programmed idiot. (a robot, or Artificial intellegent program). 

If you go to their website its the same thing.. they say you are talking to a live agent.. No agent is that stupid. 

I am tired of talking to robots

I am tired of texting (this is texting) to robots. If I have to type it all out, its texting. And I had to do that every time the website "agent" passed me on to another agent. 4 hours later I was assured the problem would be repaired.. 

30 days later, NOPE!  Problem still remains. 

You see I relocated in July of 2020. I moved 2 blocks. I took my xfinity gear with me and installed it. It is up and running as you can tell.. However, on the xfinity site, it says my services here are disconnected. 

They are? This address got a new account number. The old address and account are still listed on the xfinity page, and I cannot get it removed. 

This account says zero balance. I have tried to make a payment, but it won't take one. So if i mail in a payment, where does that money go? 

Yesterday I got a bill in the mail.. Guess what? The account number is a 3rd number.. HUH?!  

So how do I resolve this problem seeing how I cannot get to a human to VOICE TALK TO, when I call xfinity? Any ideas? 

Update: 2 days after I posted this I again called Xfinity and got the robot. However this time it was different. It checked my account and asked if I wanted to pay the bill. I said NO. Then it said something like  "we need to take a closer look at your account" and passed me off to an english speaking american. OMG!  It took just 3 minutes to figure out what happened. Then that person passed me off to their supervisor who had to approve the changes needed to fix the problem.. So here is what happened.

Pay close attention to your account numbers.

In july I moved just 2 blocks but that was from one subburb to another. 2 different "cities". 

First I had the old account number (lets call it 0101).  I took my gear and installed it at the new location, which the generated a new account number ( 0202).  THEN, because of local rules and regulations the "package" I had at the old address was not available at the new address, so they had to start a new package which generated a 3rd account (0303). Now on xfinity page, I was show just the first 2 accounts, one at old address and one at new address and was NOT shown the 3rd account. Why? Because the technician who set it up failed to inform me that I had to finish setting up the account. 

I never new the 3rd one existed. Well during this phone call the Xfininty tech emailed me a link, which I followed and finished setting up that 3rd account. Then I logged on to xfinity again and yes, all 3 are now shown, with account 3 being the primary account. It won't let me unlink or undo the first 2, but thats ok with me as long as they don't get any new charges. 

What a frigging pain in the tail.. all that headache and frustration for nothing. 

Monday, June 15, 2020

Racism we see being reported in Main Stream media is not what it seems.

Has anybody else wondered about why Whites are racists, and no other race is?

Someone finally said it. How many are actually paying attention to this?
There are African Americans, Mexican Americans, Asian Americans, Arab Americans, etc.
And then there are just Americans.. You pass me on the street and sneer in my direction.
You call me 'White boy,' 'Cracker,' 'Honkey,' 'Whitey,' 'Caveman'... And that's OK..
You say that whites commit a lot of violence against you....
So why are the ghettos the most dangerous places to live?
You have the United Negro College Fund. You have Martin Luther King Day.
You have Black History Month.
You have Cesar Chavez Day.
You have Yom Hashoah.
You have Ma'uled Al-Nabi.
You have the NAACP.
You have BET....
If we had WET (White Entertainment Television), we'd be racists.
If we had a White Pride Day, you would call us racists.
If we had White History Month, we'd be racists.
If we had any organization for only whites to 'advance' OUR lives, we'd be racists.
We have a Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, a Black Chamber of Commerce, and then we just have the plain Chamber of Commerce.
Wonder who pays for that??

A white woman could not be in the Miss Black American pageant, but any color can be in the Miss America pageant.

If we had a college fund that only gave white students scholarships... You know we'd be racists. 

There are over 60 openly proclaimed Black Colleges in the US .

Yet if there were 'White colleges', that would be a racist college.

In the Million Man March, you believed that you were marching for your race and rights.
If we marched for our race and rights, you would call us racists.

You are proud to be black, brown, yellow and orange, and you're not afraid to announce it.
But when we announce our white pride, you call us racists.

You rob us, car jack us, and shoot at us, play knock out on us.
But, when a white police officer shoots a black gang member or beats up a black drug dealer running from the law and posing a threat to society, you call him a racist.

I am proud of being an American and a Veteran.  But you call me a racist.
Why is it that only whites can be racists??

There is nothing improper about this post.

That's why we have LOST most of OUR RIGHTS in this country.
We won't stand up for ourselves!

It's not a crime YET.... But getting very close to be!

Just my opinion on all this so called racism garbage.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Kent County Housing Discrimination Trap.

Wow. Never thought I would have to write something like this.

My friend John who is also a disabled Veteran, is living on Social Security disability. Nationally this pays about 1350 a month on average.  John is currently living in a building that has been sold and all the residents need to move out by the end of July. 

John has lived there 7 years and paid his rent on time every month. He also gets HUD Section 8 housing assistance for Veterans.  This means HUD pays about 2/3rds of his rent and he pays the remainder plus a utility fee for water, gas, and trash removal. This is about 300 dollars a month.

Now keep in mind, we are just exiting the COV19 economic shutdown here. Many businesses are still not operating with full staff. 

John has applied at 2 apartment complexes for a 1 bedroom apartment. Each complex charged John an application fee of between 25 and 40 dollars.   

He just found out neither of the apartment complexes will rent to him without a co-signer or a guarantor.  This is because he has no credit history  - he doesn't use credit, and unbeknownst to him, each of these apartment companies have a policy that the renter have 2.5 or 3.0 times the rent, in income to be qualified to rent. 

John's income is 1350, plus HUD amount of 400 for a total of 1750.  Under these rules, he would qualify only for an apartment that costs less than 700 a month for a 2.5x requirement, or 583 a month with a 3x requirement.  He will not qualify for any apartment at either of these places, and is now out his 65 dollars wasted on application fees. 

Now when is the last time you found a decent apartment not in down town GR, in a high crime area, or worse, for less than 700? Its been at least 5 years.  The average apartment now is 800 or more for a 1 bedroom, and I have found them as high as 1200 a month! 

The fact that these 2 apartment complex's did not disclose their Income requirements on their applications, is something that I think could be seen as false and misleading information designed to get people to spend money for an application fee that the company knows many will fail.  This is just wrong. 

So my advise to any of you - before you pay money for an application, Inquire about income requirements. If they refuse to answer you,  Look somewhere else. A company that does not make full disclosure up front at the beginning will only be trouble later on. 

Monday, June 8, 2020

You aint Black! What does that mean exactly?

I am starting to come to a rather unusual conclusion about a problem that has existed long before I was born. 

I have lived my entire life listening to the black community of the USA complain about slavery which we as a nation ended with a civil war 100 years before most of us were even born, while not saying a thing about the slavery still being practiced in Africa. At the same time they complain about racism, the very racism that they themselves practice on a daily basis as a minority group. They constantly whine about how they are oppressed, yet have shown us they cannot live by the simple rules of society, and get violent when they are held accountable.

As a child, I started my public education in a public school, that was as mixed race as any. My 3rd grade teacher was of African heritage and Mrs. Jackson was one of the best teachers I had in my elementary years.  At the time, we had no idea what racism was. I didn't even know what the N word was until later that year when Nikki told me what it meant - and he was black kid. As I look back I see now, racism starts at home. 

My stepdad was a cop in the Detroit Riots of the 1960's and became a very prejudicial man. He hated black people.  I never understood why. But I am starting to understand how he could have ended up that way. We moved to the country between 3rd and 4th grades, and I found myself in a predominantly white community with a few Mexican minorities but no blacks.  Now I see that as Dad's version of white flight.  

However, still, I did not see any difference between myself and the other kids, no matter what their ancestral linage was. After all we went to the same schools, learned the same things.  Then I joined the military and was exposed to even more diversity which further ingrained that we are all in this together, Americans first, with diverse backgrounds. 

Ok.. so what happened? Rodney King incident in California. The brutal attack of the truck driver Reggie Denny by a black american for no reason other than racial hate. Riots resulted in many cities over this and America started burning.  Later Rodney asked people to just get along and stop the senseless destruction.  Apparently they did not get the memo. 

We have people judging all cops by the actions of a few, while at the same time telling us not to judge the protesters by the actions of a few (that burned down parts of the cities). Hypocrites! I got another idiot who says destruction of property (that is not theirs) is not an act of violence. That person is a dumbass; and there are a lot of them in the news lately. 

For the last 20 years the main stream media has focused on some bad cops who caused the deaths of fellow Americans (who were black).  A  political movement called Black Lives Matter or BLM was created. But I cannot take that group seriously as it does not address the biggest threat to black lives. That threat comes from within the black community itself. But MSM never talks about that simple and true fact. 

Now we got a Presidential candidate telling people who are of African heritage that "you ain't black".  So what does being black really mean?  Apparently being black is more than just skin color, its a mentality, a way of life, a social status. And it is behavior that most Americans are starting to find to be unacceptable; even some of their own minority members. 

I am coming to the conclusion that if you mention your skin color as part of a conversation, you are probably a racist. And I don't want anything to do with you or your organization, or your stupid ideas. 

We are Americans First. Black, White, Red, Brow, Yellow, Green, does not matter. The color of our skin should NEVER matter. Our status as one of the very lucky few to be living in this great country as AMERICAN CITIZENS should be first, foremost, and the ONLY important part of any conversation, both casual and/or political.  

And the term "you ain't black" should be seen as a compliment, not an insult.  

Monday, June 1, 2020

Smoking pot makes you stupid.

That is the conclusion I have come to, after many years of thinking on this subject. 
Right or wrong, it is my opinion based on years of observation.

I have watched what happened to the states on the west coast that slowly allowed it. 
I have watched what happened to my state of Michigan as we allowed it.

I have a few friends who did it, some still do, and all of them are people who were once very smart, but now have the common sense of a fruit fly. 

I watched a friend search for an hour for his wallet (that was in his back pocket). 
I watched another friend lose 3 good paying jobs because he could not put down a 10 dollar bag of weed long enough to pass a drug test.

The apartment complex where I live makes it a violation of your lease to use it anywhere on the property. This includes smoking, vaping, or even having it in your possession even though Michigan law allows it. Michigan law also allows landlords to restrict or forbid its use/possession.  

Yet 3 times in the last year, new people who have signed said lease, have moved into our building and within 7 days have been caught using it in the halls, on the balcony, or in their apartments. I mean how STUPID can you be? The stuff reeks.. its worse than cigarette smoke as this lingers for hours.. and the office takes great pains to inform the lease holder about the requirement. Yet these stupid people do it anyways and end up getting kicked out. 

No one that I know that uses it on a regular basis, has remained untouched by it. They slowly sink into a state of total dumbness. Even when they are not smoking it, their behavior is affected by it.  

I have had to walk away from most of these friends, because I cannot stand to watch them self destruct in this way. 

Yes, smoking marijuana, aka pot, aka weed, what ever name you use, turns you into a total drooling, unable to function, complete dumb ass, over time. It makes you stupid.

Sunday, May 31, 2020

My thoughts on the George Flyod incident

It is clear to any one with half a brain, what happened to George Floyd was in fact, a criminal act by a rogue police officer. An officer who got fired, then arrested, then charged, and who will be facing other charges as the investigations into this incident are completed. 

It is not the first time this kind of thing has happened. We have seen it before. But apparently we Americans are too stupid to learn the lessons from it. 

First, I agree with peoples right to PEACEFULLY protest. 

I condemn any and all who Riot. Destroying other peoples property will not bring Mr. Floyd and others like him back from the dead.  

Our governments (state and local) have failed to prepare for these things. We knew this was going to escalate sooner or later because we keep seeing it happen time and time again.  However our perception of who is doing the rioting is changing. It is not, as some people claim, just the black people doing it. 

Here in Grand Rapids, Michigan there are photos of white people breaking windows of buildings, setting fires and committing riot related crimes. One of these photos looks like a 28 year old white female with golden hair down past her shoulders. What you and I would call a suburbanite, affluent white person.  So why is she doing that? What did that bar owner do to her to justify her destruction of his building?  There is no acceptable answer. 

Many people in America have this idea that the rioters are all from the black minority community, when in fact when we take a closer look at who is doing what, we see a lot of white folks and other members of other minorities. Political groups such as the ANTIFA group has been recognized as a contributing factor to these riots and the US President has just announced they are going to be designated a domestic terrorist group. This will free up resources to be used to combat them and hold them accountable.

Then there is this idea that these riots only happen in Democrat controlled towns and cities. This may or may not be true as the riot last night in Grand Rapids showed us. The first riot in decades where property was damaged.. and yes, the Conservative capital of Michigan now has a Democrat mayor.  Is there a connection? 

Then to make things even more confusing, we have black celebrities making ignorant claims that "black people are hunted every time they leave their homes". This is an out right lie. If we look at the facts the facts show us that a black person is twice as likely to be killed by one of their own, and a white person, or a white cop. And white cops kill white people twice as often as blacks are killed by cops. 

That fact does not mean what happened to George Flyod is acceptable. In fact, that fact makes it even more important that our cops are properly trained and its clear this cop either was not, or chose to ignore that training resulting in the death of the person in custody. 

Add to this the fact that most black folks see cops as the enemy. Not a good situation. This must change. Part of the problem is the fact that this minority group is responsible for the majority of crimes in this country.  Why is this? There is no excuse for that.  You turn on the news and its full of stories about black gangs breaking into cell phone stores, gun stores, and looting during disasters and riots. People who work in retail tell me they have constant problems with blacks shoplifting. Some stores around here don't even prosecute it anymore, and lose 5-20 thousand dollars a month due to shop lifting. Yet they stay open because of high volume. (Dollar General, Dollar Tree stores).   Is this because the news media is not reporting the white crime? Or is it because white people don't do this kind of crime, or don't do it as often? 

The fact is ANY crime, committed by any person, black or white, should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.  

And the job of the police is to CAPTURE, ARREST and deliver ALIVE, to the court room, the perpetrators of these crimes, so that they may stand and face justice.  It has nothing to do with color. It has nothing to do with ancestral history, it has to do with proper training.  

We must make the death of a person in police custody a major crime and unacceptable for any reason other than medical which is beyond control of the officers in charge at the time.  

We have to put an end to these senseless deaths, or America will sink into total chaos and riots with our cities burning to the ground will become the new normal.  God Forbid it. 

Those are my thoughts on this subject. 

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Alan Collinage of Student Loan Justice.org, the newest poster child for definition of insanity.

Yes, I am talking about one person.
Seems both myself and one other have been kicked off his face book group for suggesting the solution to the student loan problem does not belong with the do nothing congress, rather with the courts.

The definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. 30+ years now Alan has been begging congress to fix this problem, and yet no one does and they only TALK about it during election years.

Isn't it time we try something else?

When congress first suggested removing bankruptcy protections from student loans, prominent law professors expressed their concerns that doing so would create a 2nd class citizen. And now we have proof it did.

We now have a student loan financial bubble about to burst and its over 1.7 Trillion dollars. There is a solution, but the US congress and the bansters will never accept it. And it does not require bankruptcy. It does require students to pay off their principal, without penalty and without interest.  Other wise the entire 1.7 trillion will be eaten by the financial industry in the USA.  So they need to bend a little. Also, government needs to get out of the student loan business and never return.

They could not run a post office.
They totally mismanaged the social security trust fund.
They totally mismanaged  student loans.

Time for them to stick to the Constitution and stop the social experiments that always end in failure.

And its time for Alan Collinage of Student Loan Justice to stop banging his head against the wall and consider other options.