Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Not just the USA, other countries are falling apart.

 I have been watching the news (not American as its just propaganda) about other countries and the problems they are having after allowing massive immigration into their countries. 

Most European countries, Australia, New Zeeland, most of the 1st world countries except Japan who REFUSED to participate in that massive migration. I see why. They have limited space and already have a large population.

But these other countries and the USA are suffering now due to uncontrolled immigration, and allowing illegals to stay in their countries. Crime rates going up. People can't have nice things. No respect of personal property.  People used to be able to leave things in their yards and vehicles. Not anymore. In many areas it is not uncommon to find someone walking door to door in a neighborhood checking out peoples cars and trucks in the middle of the night and taking things. Evidence of this is from the growing number of people using security cameras and doorbell cameras. Package theft is a big problem now so people started getting doorbell cameras and started catching the people doing it. Other times these security cameras capture people looking in cars or the backs of trucks or even worse - going into a persons yard, thru a closed gate to take things that do not belong to them. 

Most but not all of these crooks are illegal immigrants. The remaining tend to be druggies looking for fast cash to pay for their habit.  Some are just habitual criminals. In some countries, homeowners have no rights to stop them or do anything other than lock their property up as best they can. 

This is why we just cannot have nice things anymore. Too many people walking around thinking its ok to take things that do not belong to them as long as they do not get caught. 

Here in the USA, some states allow you to shoot the thieves.  Others allow it only if they break into your home and cross the threshold.  I think every home owner who can capture the theft on video should have the right to shoot, without repercussion. Doing so would eliminate a lot of repeat offenders.  But the anti gun lobby is fiercely fighting that. 

Now we have cities where people are shop lifting at an unbelievable rates. Stores are pulling out of those cities. Cops are not allowed to arrest and prosecute them. Store policies do not allow employees to stop and detain the shop lifters. 

And in some other cities, cops are now being told NOT to do foot chases to apprehend criminals. Which means the crook and just run away and not worry about being arrested.  

In many places, cops aren't even enforcing traffic laws.  Defund the cops is a big political issue and cops are tired of risking their lives for little pay. Many are reluctant to get involved in the arrest of people resisting arrest out of fear if they make even a minor mistake which could end up with them facing a trial in court. 

Some police departments are finding it hard to recruit new people as the aging population starts retiring and officers at retirement are getting out as soon as they can. All due to the negative political pressure being put on police. 

This is destroying our civilization from within. Uncontrolled immigration and lack of proper policing. This leads to chaos and the enemies of freedom are the only winners.