Monday, November 1, 2021

Michigan circuit family court judge T. J. Ackert is a liar and needs to be removed from the bench.

 In Feb of 2021, Judge Ackert in a court hearing told a plaintiff that if she appeared in court over the same issues, (the ones she had been in court 7 times prior over), that there would be a custody change. 

She was facing 7,500 dollars in civil contempt charges. And legal and attorney fees.

Today she was back in court, again for the same issues. Her 9th appearance. 

She got No fines, not contempt charges, no legal fees, and no custody change. 

The judge gave her another empty threat of custody change. And a few more empty threats of making her pay fines, and court costs, and attorney fees, and being investigated.

All this loser judge is doing is dragging this out, costing the father hundreds of dollars that he cannot use for the benefit of his own kids.  

9 times in court over the same issues. The issues that SHE agreed to as part of her divorce request. 

Congratulations Judge Ackert, this is why the MGTOW movement is growing, (Men Going Their Own Way), and why many guys just give up and leave michigan never to return and never pay child support because a-holes like Akerman turn the fathers into Glorified limitless ATM machines. 

Time to remove this useless judge. 

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