Thursday, July 15, 2021

Michigan Politicians in denial about 2020 Vote Fraud.


2020 Vote fraud is:

·        Failure of district workers handling of voting records.  Detroit

·        Failure to properly audit election results to get an accurate count. Sec of State

·        Ballot harvesting

·        Failure of States to verify eligibility of voters. Most districts

·        Refusal of mainstream media to allow any stories suggesting something wrong happened during the 2020 election process.

·        Mainstream media’s constantly lying about Claims made by Donald Trump that have not been properly investigated.

·        Failure by the judiciary to hear evidence of vote fraud, and/or improper handling of ballots, improper counting, and problems with vote counting machines.

·        Failure of the US Supreme court to hear the Constitutional Complaint filed by the State of Texas, the only State that is a state by CONTRACT. I consider this to be a breach of that contract.

·        States failure to maintain proper voter rolls is vote fraud.

·        10,000 votes cast in a district with only 8,000 valid voters.

·        Refusal to allow preapproved observers to observe the vote counting process, is vote fraud. This happened in several districts.

·        Failure to follow established procedures during vote counting, is vote fraud.

Fraud OF ANY KIND voids everything. 2020 Vote in Michigan is strife with

FRAUD of many kinds. Our elected politicians REFUSE to acknowledge it.  

Shame on them.

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