Friday, December 13, 2019

Ready to unplug yet?

In 2006, I sold the TV and haven't missed it one bit.  Skyrocketing Cable TV subscription fees, Commercial broadcasting decreasing show time and increasing advertisement times,  Going to digital tv with 150 channels of garbage, with few if any actually used. Having to buy a package of 5 to 10 channels to get the 1 I want to watch.   And where I live, the cable TV company is a monopoly. Cox Cable, Comcast, Xfinity, what ever name it is going by this year. It is that or AT&T DSL and I will NOT do business with AT&T under any conditions.

In 2019, I am considering unplugging from it all.  I just upgraded the desktop to windows 10. While it is faster than Win 7, 8, 8.1, and XP, its not really an operating system.

It is one HECK of a security problem and an invasion of your privacy. You have to go thru it constantly to turn off built in features, to maintain your privacy. Windows 10 is Spyware and Adware, with a semi-functional Operating system attached.

That is why I am ready to unplug from the internet. Facebook, google, all of them nothing but data mining companies that want access to all of your electronic devices. This is so they can read your contacts, (people, businesses, etc) and try to access those devices and locations too.

Add to this, the endless battle with commercials, also called advertisements.  Googles Adsense should be declared a virus.  "Oh, Adverts are a necessary evil" they say. Bullshit.  They are used to make someone else money when YOU should be paid for having to view them. They leave cookies on your computer or android device, taking up YOUR space you could be using for other things.

So in 2019 my cell phone company tells me I have to upgrade my phone. No one has a land line any more and I sure as heck will not do business with AT&T (crooks). So what choice do I have? Cell phone or no phone.. and now the cable company (which is a monopoly here) wants me to add my cell phone to their service!  Well, I had to upgrade my flip phone to a new "smart phone".  Folks,  "smart phone" = spyware & Adverts.  No thanks. I just want a simple phone, Unlimited talk and text, with the option to use google map, or some other application if I NEED to because I am away from my home computer.

I will never do shopping on my phone, never do email or anything that I usually do on my desktop. And after paying 200+ for a phone that will last less than 5 years, that is loaded with spyware and adware, I am ready to unplug it too and go phone less. 

Can it be done? Getting rid of the phone and cable internet will save me almost 200 a month. You bet I can do it. Not a problem at all. But it may make it harder for people to communicate with me. They will have to send a letter by snail mail, or come here in person (if I am home)..

I am Gen X. I grew up with adverts on TV, but this saturation commercialism, Adverts everywhere we are, being shoved in our face with or without our approval, the invading of our privacy by data mining software, is more than I care for.   

Maybe it is time to unplug completely.

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