Monday, December 2, 2013

Throw them all out in 2014, the US congress, both parties, no exceptions.

December, time for Christmas and joy and the holiday seasons. Traditions that are as American as apple pie. 

But this year the united States is facing a big problem and the US congress is sitting on its duff, not doing a thing.

For only 5 days in December, will both houses be in session at the same time, able to do the nations business for this month - and we have just 6 weeks left until the country once again runs out of money and the American people are faced with yet another government shut down.

It is time the American people get off their lazy butts and start recalling these congressional cockroaches. We are paying them over 174,000 dollars a year each on average. Where I come from that is 6.8 times what most workers make.

No budget in 5 years, A farm bill that is 2 years late. Immigration reform is always talked about, securing the borders? How about finding those people whose visa's have expired and are still here and kicking them out too?  And these are just a few things..

And on top of it all is the ever problematic "affordable" care act, which is anything but affordable, if you watch ANY of the major news networks.

Then the real kicker to the American worker: we just went thru one shut down. And another is just 6 weeks away. 2 weeks after new years. How is the congress going to get thru this if they are only working 5 days this month?!!

I can see it now, January 3rd, 2014, and the media will have a heyday with all the politicizing for the following 2 weeks as each party once again blames the other for the nations problems, and again nothing gets done, and again, the government goes thru a "shut down" which is not a shut down because more than half of them still go to work every day.. And those who get laid off, well once again they will be paid retro actively once congress gets off its ass and goes to work.

The fact of the matter is simply this: they are not doing their job.. Maybe if 2 or 3 dozen of them faced a recall election in April of 2014, ahead of the November election, that might motivate the rest to finally sit down and get the job done.

After all, that is what we are paying them 174,000  (one hundred seventy four thousand dollars) a year for.

That is 14.5 thousand a month. This is what people on social security disability make in a year.

Isn't time we throw them all out?

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