Gowd, I am tired of stupid people. Even more tired of the low level journalism being done in our news media.
I have watched and read countless articles miss identifying the kind of rifle used in this case. They keep calling it an AR15, which stands for Armalite Rifle model 15. It is a MR 15, made by Smith and Wesson. There are several other manufactures out there that make the same rifle, and it looks just like that one. It does not mean that their rifle is an AR15. The "15" designation is the standard for the civilian model of a Military weapon. As such is is by law, SEMI-automatic. It is NOT an automatic rifle, as many claim (due to their ignorance or just being lazy). There is a difference and it makes ALL the difference. An automatic rifle is one that shoots more than 1 shot with each release of the trigger.
Then there are those who were not in the court room whose brains are so small they think they know more about this case than the jury did. They claim he should have been found guilty. How can these fools say that when they don't even have all the facts? They are ignoring a very important key to our american freedom. That is our right to be judged by a jury of our peers. But these idiots are not accepting that verdict. They seem to think they know better and the jury system must be flawed because it did not turn out how THEY thought it should.
Then there are the fools that continuously call Kyle a racist. Kyle shot 3 white guys, (his own color) so how does that make him a racist? I have seen where 3 village idiots even claim he shot 3 black people. Sigh! How can people be so dumb?!!
The justice system worked and people are angry about it. Why? Do they really want a banana republic type justice system? Do they really want mob mentality justice? Public lynchings? Because that is the message these morons are sending. And that should worry every Law abiding citizen.
Kenosha was quiet the night of the verdict. But Portland Oregon, another state, nearly half a country away, erupted in rioting. Why? What did portland have to do with what happened in Kenosha Wisconsin?
Then on top of all this you have the mass Propaganda machine called the Main Stream Media who was pushing its own narrative of the situation. And in doing so look what happened.
The court house was threatened, the judge, jury and accused persons were threatened. All because things were not going the way the peons wanted them to go. What kind of behavior is this and why are Americans accepting it as being normal?
I have come to the conclusion that we cannot have a proper system of justice if the courts allow the media to have free reign during these high profile cases. The judges MUST control the media by refusing them access to the court, and to the court proceedings. Judges must do this to protect the members of the Juries and to protect the right of the accused to a fair and just trial.
Media if anything should encourage the juries to look at all the facts that are established, to toss out ides or conjectures and pass their judgement according to the facts of the case and according to the laws of the State they are in, and if in federal court, the laws of the Nation.
On top of this our usual band of village idiots in WDC are trying to come up with a justification for having the federal government look into this, just because Kyle exercised his right to travel and crossed a state line. WOW, what is next? "show me our papers?!" just to travel? What happened to our freedoms? The imbeciles in WDC who swore to uphold the US Constitution seem to be doing their best to destroy it.
And we the people are allowing it.. what a shame.