We have strong proof of Election Fraud in Michigan, yet none of our politicians and few judges will even consider examining the evidence! Why is this?
What are they afraid of? That the people will lose faith in our election system? Or that we will vote them all out and vote in 3rd party people for a change?
Here's a few questions
about Michigan:
• Dem poll-watchers outnumber GOP 3:1. -- Republican
officials have been barred from observing the counting of absentee ballots, and
that transposed absentee ballots are being certified without a GOP official
signing off on them. After kicking out Republican poll challengers, election
officials began covering up the windows of the counting rooms with cardboard to
block the view of Republican observers.
• In Michigan, only ballots received by 8 p.m. on Election
Day, this year Nov. 3, are valid. - a Republican poll challenger, filed an
affidavit saying she was told by someone counting absentee ballots that workers
in Detroit were “changing the dates the ballots were received” so they would be
considered valid. This evidence needs to be examined, and if found to be a like, the person filing it needs to be prosecuted for perjury and held to the law.
• A post-election audit found that nearly 30 percent of
precincts showed discrepancies in vote totals. – The Detroit News reported that
“legally incapacitated nursing home residents were being coaxed to vote and
Detroit’s voting rolls were inflated with more than 300,000 names of people who
had died or moved out of the city.” - Voter rolls are “replete with typos, dead
people, duplicate registrations and mistakes about gender and birth: One Detroit
voter is listed as being born in 1823—14 years before Michigan was annexed into
the Union,” according to the Detroit Free Press.
• Truck full of ballots arrives at TCF Center at 3-4:00am,
long after the legal deadline.
• Former Michigan state Sen. Pat Colbeck, who has a
background in information technology and cybersecurity, having worked for the
Defense Department, NASA, and other entities, testified that the numbers do not
match up to demonstrate Biden clearly won the state—or at least not by the
margin as it stands now. - With the Dominion Voting Systems, he added, “there
is a transmittal of fractional vote data.”
“You guys have done a lot of votes inside the Senate, as I did when I
was serving my two terms. I don’t recall any of those vote tallies up on the
board having a decimal point. Do you guys?”
• A contractor with Dominion Voting Systems—the controversial
voting machine company that prompted questions, an information technology and
cybersecurity specialist said, “What I witnessed at the TCF Center was
completely fraud. The whole 27 hours I was there, there were batches of ballots
run through the tabulating machines numerous times, being counted eight to 10
times. I watched this with my own eyes.” A Republican poll challenger at the
TCF Center in Detroit, claimed she saw copies of ballots being made to increase
Biden’s vote total. “They were all for Biden across the board. There wasn’t a
single Trump vote. None of the voters are registered,” she said. -- She said
election workers entered names and addresses with phony birthdates that she
said “would override the system and allow them to enter nonregistered voters.”
- “Throughout the day, that’s how they would override voters that were neither
in the electronic poll book or the supplemental, updated poll book,” she said.
• Election Security expert Russell Ramsland, the co-owner of
Allied Security Operations Group (ASOG). His company specializes in detecting
election fraud, cybersecurity, open source intelligence and global security
services. Ramsland served in the Reagan administration and has worked for both
NASA and MIT. - In the affidavit concerning the election in Michigan, Ramsland
determined – without question – that vote fraud and ballot tampering took place
in the 2020 General Election in Michigan determining the results as they are
currently known to be a “physical impossibility.” - “My colleagues and I… have
studied… the November 3, 2020, election results. Based on the significant
anomalies and red flags that we have observed, we believe there is a
significant probability that election results have been manipulated…” Ramsland
wrote. - “I figured out how to make a slightly different computer program that
just before the polls were closed it switches some votes around from one
candidate to another. I wrote that computer program into a memory chip and now
to hack a voting machine you need just 7 minutes alone with it and a screw
driver.” - “The final red flag is perhaps the greatest,” Ramsland wrote. “In
the data are 4 spikes totaling 384, 733 ballots allegedly processed in a
combined interval of only 2 hours and 38 minutes. This is physically impossible
given the available equipment at the 4 reference locations.”
• A single computer “glitch” in Antium County awarded 6,000
votes to Biden and the Democrats that were supposed to go to President Trump.
With 47 Michigan counties using this software, similar glitches might yield a
discrepancy of hundreds of thousands of ballots — or even more.
• An affidavit from a city employee claiming she was asked to
backdate ballots. - ‘I was instructed by my supervisor to adjust the mailing
date of these absentee ballot packages to be dated earlier than they were
actually sent. The supervisor was making announcements for all workers to
engage in this practice.’” – Another United States Postal Service worker on
Wednesday told Project Veritas that a supervisor named Johnathan Clarke in
Traverse City, Michigan – one of the big swing states this election cycle –
potentially engaged in voter fraud. "We were issued a directive this
morning to collect any ballots we find in mailboxes, collection boxes, just
outgoing mail in general, separate them at the end of the day so that they
could hand stamp them with the previous day's date," the whistleblower
stated. "Today is November 4th for clarification."
• Monolithic vote dumps that awarded 138,000-plus votes to
Joe Biden. Biden somehow got 138,339 votes and Trump got none, zero, in an
overnight vote-dump. - This one is over-the-top ridiculous. They 'stopped the
counting' in MI, GA, PA, and WI, but they didn't stop at 3:00AM, 138,339 votes
for Biden in MI.
• An election worker in Detroit has signed an affidavit
alleging she witnessed her fellow election workers attempting to coach voters
to cast ballots for Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, Newsweek reported.
• She added that a supervisor ordered her “not to ask for a
driver’s license or any photo I.D. when a person was trying to vote.” - At the
satellite location, she said she observed a “large number of people” showing up
to vote in-person who “had already applied for an absentee ballot.” - “These
people were allowed to vote in-person and were not required to return the
mailed absentee ballot or sign an affidavit that the voter lost the mailed
absentee ballot.”
The evidence being shown to the people of Michigan needs to be examined. The 2020 election needs to be audited via a forensic audit, so that our lawmakers can write new laws to prevent this kind of fiasco from happening again in the future.