Now I know this one is going to get me a lot of hate mail, but that's ok. I expect it from closed minded fools. And there are a lot of them out there.
Black lives do not matter to me. Why you ask. Because I never gave it a thought. I presumed that most folks of African ancestry were just like me. The folks I grew up with here in Grand Rapids. The ones that were my class mates, my friends, my buddies. The ones I worked with side by side in the Military and after that in the factories and shops here in West Michigan. Just good hard working people trying to raise their families. I didn't even consider them to be black. They were fellow Americans. To us, the "black people" as we called them in our discussions were the lazy folks looking for government handouts so they wouldn't have to work for a living like the rest of us. And what my friends said who were of African ancestry, was even worse. They clearly distinguished themselves from those "others", from the (N word)'s as they called them.
But with the rise of the new political movements of BLM and Antifa, I had to stop and take another look at these people.
It is clear that there is a deep problem within the African community in this country. It divides them into 2 categories. Those who have adapted and are working hard to contribute to this great country, who appreciate its many opportunities and who are blaming no one but themselves for their own failures.
Then there is the other group. They are now claiming that if you do not think the way they do, if you do not agree with them, that you are not black. So they have re-defined what the word Black means. Ok. Fine with me.
This group of losers goes around blaming others for their failures. They use their skin color as an excuse for their misery and failures. Claim others are racist when it is they who are the racists. They think they have a right to steal other peoples property or from businesses such as Shops and stores. Dollar stores are a big target for many of them. They think police are the enemy instead of accepting the fact that their own behavior gets them into trouble because they constantly violate the nations laws.
Today this group glorifies thugs, criminals, murders and rapists. They approve the rioting and burning down of our cities, many properties of which belong not to white people but to African Americans! They blame the cops for arresting a long time criminal who is resisting arrest and about to grab a weapon to fight and do harm to the police who are just doing their job. The thug escalates the arrest to the point where they get seriously hurt, or dead. And the cops get blamed. Not the thug. They then use this as an excuse to become even more violent. This has to end.
Local news all over the country is full of stories about them. Break ins at Cell phone stores and Gun stores are well over 90 percent committed by this group. Shootings where I live used to happen once every 3 or 4 months. Today its nearly a nightly occurrence. In some cities the shooting rate is over 50 per weekend and death rate is 20+ per weekend. Thug on thug crimes.
This one small group, with in the group, is responsible for over 80 percent of the nations crimes. They kill more of their own kind than any other group. And yet they blame others for their problems, and blame an event in history that happened over 100 years before.
They NEVER accept responsibility for their own behavior. This has to change.
So BLM was started, and its not even about black lives. If it was they would be addressing these issues by these few within their communities that are committing all these crimes.
Some local government have allowed rioting and destruction to go on for weeks and months. There is no excuse for that failure. These nightly riots must be stopped and government has the tools and the authority to do so. But too many local leaders want it to happen. They must, because they keep allowing it to happen.
We need tougher laws on rioters. Stiffer penalties and maybe we need to start looking at the ultimate punishment of removal of Citizenship and removing them from the country, telling them to go live somewhere else.
So I don't care about black lives. Either they want to live in peace by the simple laws this great nation has, or they need to leave or get thrown out of it. We don't need them here. Then those of us who remain can get on with living our lives in peace, in friendship, in community and not even think about what color a person's skin is as we continue to make this the greatest country on Earth.