I dunno.. maybe its me. Old fashioned, or whatever. Maybe as I get closer to meeting my maker I am becoming intolerant of stupid people, or people doing stupid stuff
One thing is for sure, the National and local news stations make me sick with the way they report things, and WHAT they report now.
Just saw an article on one of the local news rags where they claim some guy in Denver Colorado, removed the "nads" from a woman. Turns out it was one of those sick twisted people that think a human can change their gender. DNA does not change. You are either a man or a woman, there is no such thing as transgender and the media is shoving that in our faces. I am sick of it.. its twisted, its wrong, it is mental.
Then I read another article about some snowflake whining that President Trump's budget spends too much on the military and leaves nothing for social programs. Yet his budget graph shows 2.7 trillion used for social security and social programs, almost 2/3rds of the entire budget. WTF is wrong with these people?
And I still see people whining about Trumps tax returns, but said NOTHING about Obama's personal records that are STILL SEALED.. The ones that show he is using someone elses social security number, went to college as a foreign student, among other things.
And the way media reports news today. Everything negative about the President, yet they never questioned what obama did, they never questioned the fact that Hillary fixed a primary election, and was given preferential treatment in the Debates..
We have a serious problem here folks. The people spoke loudly to BOTH parties when the elected Donald Trump to the US Presidency. First, they rejected the progressive socialism the democratic party has been taken over by, as it no longer represents the working class.
Second, they rejected the RINOS and establishment politicians in WDC.. And neither side INCLUDING the main stream media doesn't get it yet. In fact, it seems both sides of the establishment are trying to get rid of President Trump, instead of working with him to make the USA great again. Why? Because they would have to WORK to get their money, instead of being lazy.
Working class people who are willing to work for what they get, are tired of paying for lazy asses who want everything given to them. They are tired of the parasites. And yet the media still doesn't understand that.
And the unemployment figures? That lie? 5 million people out of work not being counted? How much longer do those idiots reporting the news, and the morons in WDC think the American people are going to keep buying into that stupidity?.
And what is all this hypocrisy about separation of church and state, where Christianity is kept out of the schools but the schools are catering to the religious demands of the muslims? And its not just in our schools either. These immigrants are demanding our businesses cater to their views. As workers working for a company, many have filed discrimination complaints that are absurd to most Americans, yet companies are being forced by the courts to change policies to accommodate these people? What other group of immigrants have done this? NONE.
And let us not mention the fact that many of them get some kind of government assistance before they have so much as contributed one dime or days work to the benefit of this country and its people.
Now lets talk about the stupidity of sanctuary cities and the morons who support illegal immigrants. These people by definition are criminals for being here. They are stealing from every one of us, because our country has to redirect and use our limited resources to track them down, arrest them, house and feed them, until they get deported. These resources could be used for other things such as rebuilding the nations infrastructure. And the cost is in the hundreds of billions of dollars yearly. Yet we have many people who are stupid enough to support these people, making absurd claims that if we do not let them in, no one will be here to harvest the crops. Fact is most of them do not work on farms, only about 10 percent do. The rest have taken over jobs in Industry and skilled trades. Heck the place I worked at was well known for hiring them, and INS. or ICE as its called now, on a regular basis took buss loads of them out of the 2 plants where they worked making auto parts.
And what is this shear stupidity coming from California about so called educated students claiming free speach is racist and should be abolished? Are you kidding me? Yep, that's what they said..
And Black lives matter, another racist group that doesn't care about blacks at all. If they did they would be demanding an end to the killings of blacks by blacks in Chicago and Detroit.
And my grandfathers political party the democrats have been infiltrated by the Communists/socialists who call themselves progressives.. They have no place in the USA, as the historical evidence is showing us they want to destroy the USA and turn it into another 3rd world cess pool failure like all the other ones. The party needs to be investigated, its members arrested, charged with sedation and kicked out of the country.
And how about these high school kids whose yearbook included a statement that President Trump should be beheaded? The student who made that comment should be arrested, the administrators fired for allowing it to happen.
And Sports athletes who refuse to stand for the national anthem. They need to be kicked off their teams, and thrown out of the sport. What a bunch of over paid losers.
The Veterans Administration is still a mess. Time to shut it down.
Obama care is unconstitutional for obvious reasons and needs to be abolished.
Then we have a bunch of stupid people trying to erase history in the south by removing statues, and banning the Confederate battle flag.
We have a group of people who still think this is 1860 and slavery is still an issue. Sorry folks, No reparations for you.. None of you was a slave, and most of you were born 100 years AFTER the end of the civil war.
Unless this country pulls its collective head out of its ass, we are going to be in big trouble soon. We need to enforce the laws on the books, and start prosecuting those people who are actively working to destroy our country from within. And they have a jump start on the rest of us..
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