And I am sure the rest of the world is too.
Tired of all these 3rd world immigrants that refuse to embrace their new country, and instead of melting into it, are trying to change it to the 3rd world sh*t hole they just escaped.
Tired of Ignorant Americans claiming Corporations pay no taxes, when they pay the vast majority of the taxes. The truth is most American citizens do not owe any income tax at all, yet are fooled into paying it by the US Treasury Department's poorly trained people.
I am tired of stupid peasants who are jealous of people who take the time to learn the nations and their state tax laws so they can take advantage of every loop hole and deduction available to them.
Tired of lazy people who think health care is a right. If it requires the services of another, it is not a right. These same ignorant people think health care can be free - because they are too stupid to know the government will increase taxes to pay for it. And soon we will be waiting in line for weeks for simple x-rays the way they do in Canada and other such places that have national health care.
Tired of lifer congress people who are out of touch with every day life in America. 4 years in congress and they accomplish nothing. We need term limits.
I am tired of people complaining about the rules, then try to change the rules in the middle of the game. They do not want to play by the "rule book" unless its in their favor. They do not want an equally fair competition. To them if they are losing, its not fair, even if its by the established and agreed upon rules.
I am also tired of Politicians who are Bar card carrying lawyers, who ignore our written laws, and are never held accountable. These people need to be arrested, charged, and when convicted, have their law licenses pulled. Written Statute law overrides, anything any public official says. If what they say violates the law they SHOULD know, they need to be held accountable in a proper court of law.
In December 2020, our nations leaders both on a federal and on the state levels proved beyond any doubt that we have the most incompetent, most useless government leaders of any known nation, when they all refused and/or failed to demand verification of their states election results.
The only result we the people have, is we now have proof that our votes really do NOT count. So why bother voting? I sent my voter registration card back last week.
We now have a village idiot sitting in the white house with a clear case of dementia running the country. WOW.. How could that ever happen in a properly ran mature country?
Fact is folks, the USA I grew up in, the USA I was taught to respect, to fight for, to leave to my children and grand children, no longer exists. We are united in name only. We have become like every other 2nd world failure country. Already those who put the current group of village idiots into power are complaining about them. Ha ha. I hope you get what you voted for.
My eyes are slowly going dark and soon I will be making the crossing to the next reality. So I won't have to stick around and see the terrible devastation this group is going to impose on this country. I will be in a better place.
You people had your chance.. You blew it.. now don't come crying to the rest of us; we told you this would happen.