Sunday, July 19, 2015


I don't care what party you are affiliated with. Americans in general are tired of do nothing congresses and Politically correct members of congress, and an extreme left leaning media that is more concerned about how a person says something, than what they actually say, instead of reporting REAL truthful news.

Latest joke is what does NBC stand for? No Body Cares network! Thank you Brian Willams.

Trump stated on the record what many Americans think about the southern border and was attacked by not only the lunatic fringe left, the far left, and the regular liberals, but also the endless bunch of RINOS and Democrat arse kissing Republicans in the Grand Ole Boys club, which is the snobby part of the Grand Ole Party aka the Conservative Republicans.

I expect the All talk and do nothing Republicans like Jeb Bush, Chris Cristy, and Rick Perry to harp on Trump.. If nothing else Trump is causing these so called GOOD Republicans to show the people their true colors of hypocrisy.

Rick Perry former Governor of Texas, Sanctuary cities, who finally got off his fat ass and did something, when he had nothing left to loose.  Yeah right.

Jeb Bush, flip flopping on Immigration.  As well as other issues

Too many unqualified RINO's and IDIOTS in the Republican GOB (good ole boy) network running for top office.

Main stream media is saying the race will be between Hillary and Bush.. but Most Americans do not like bush.  Nor do they like Hillary who tends to talk about her self only, while roping media people and keeping them at arms length. I think Hillary is in it for the money. Shes going to need to to defend herself from criminal charges.

As for Trump. First he talks about criminal illegals. The media and politicians say hes wrong only to be proven right by recent events that take place all the time but are not reported in the news.

Then Senator McCain from Arizona, who hasn't done squat for his state, or Veterans in general, calls the thousands of people that go to hear Trump Speak "crazies" and Trump calls him to the table for riding the pity wagon for over 20 years while doing nothing for his state or the people. Again the media and other RINO Republicans go after Trump and by next week they too will be trying to walk away from what they have said recently..

The American people are tired of the Liberals and the party of destruction (the democrats) and the Say all yet do nothing Rino Republicans..  Americans are tired of business as usual and want to see results and what to see those results NOW. 

Boehner and Mitchell in the House and Senate are big disappointments for conservatives.  Boehner will be removed at the next election, and McCain and a few others will be living WDC for good as they get voted out of office.

Trump is the only one talking about making America great again, the others are talking business as usual. And America is clearly fed up with that. And the media like the RINOS, don't get it yet. But they will in 2016.