This is not an issue over equal rights. This is a battle over perception, and government intervention.
As we look in the great universe of which we are a part of, we see a vast area devoid of any kind of life. In fact, in only one place in this universe have we found life - right here on this small rock called earth.
While we have detected possible signs of life in other areas of the universe, life itself can only be proven to exist on the Earth.
The purpose of life is to renew itself. Why this is needs no explanation.
Mankind has been creating unions between 2 people for thousands of years, long before governments as we know them, came into existence. These unions were between men and women, for the purpose of fulfilling the purpose of life.
In modern times, this has been called a marriage. Written history has shown us that marriages have been taking place for hundreds of years. All between a man and woman. No where in written history that I am aware of, is there any account of a GLBT marriage.
So for the vast majority of Humanity, the term Marriage means the union between a man and a woman to fulfill the purpose of life.
This controversy is not about equal rights for GLBT unions, as none of their rights have been violated. What is happening, is the majority of humanity is not giving the GLBT unions the same standing in law, as the common marriage. And that is what is behind the actions of the GLBT community.
No one will argue that GLB people have only existed in recent times. Historical records as well as histories passed down verbaly from generation to generation shows us that they have existed for thousands of years. And due to modern medicine, we have only in recent times, added a 4th category to this group - the transsexuals.
In the modern world, the majority of people think what the GLBT group does is wrong, but they also understand that these people are genetically programed to be who they are, and have no control over how they are. Therefore as perverse as they may seem to the majority of people, the people accept them as they are. In plain language, you did not program your own DNA, therefore you cannot be held accountable for the way you are, even if how you are seems wrong to the rest of the world.
Today we have a controversy because of perception by the 2 groups. The GLBT group already knows that most people do not accept them as equals because of their lifestyles. Many may feel that they are second class citizens because people will not accept them as equals.
The GBLT group wants to obtain equality in the union of 2 people. They want to give their partners the same status, as that a spouse holds in a traditional marriage. And to achieve this goal, they now want government to intercede on their behalf and declare that a marriage is the union of ANY 2 people, regardless of sex, or sexual orientation. And this is where the controversy between the 2 groups starts.
And since Government has intervened in the Marriage process by apparently requiring a government issued license to become married, the GBLT community wants government to finalize what is or is not a Marriage. The fact is, marriage has long been outside the purview of government, and in the USA, no power was transferred from the founding States to the National government giving it any authority over the subject.
The GBLT group claims that Government does have authority under the equal protection clauses of the nations founding charter, and the individual State charters, aka the Constitutions.
The majority of people, are willing to accept that the GBLT community exists, has rights, lives amongst us, and should have the ability to create a union of 2 people. However, to name that union the exact same as the union between a man and a woman is where they draw the line.
Many people in the majority, have offered to write and support laws that would give the GBLT people a set of union laws that would recognize their right to equal status in all matters that spouse would have in a traditional marriage. But because it would be called a union and not a marriage, the GBLT community find this to be unacceptable. Again we arrive at the "definition of the word marriage".
This is a no win situation for either side of the issue. The Majority will not accept the term marriage being re-defined to include a GBLT union. The GBLT will not accept anything less than marriage being defined to include them.
So where do we find the solution to this problem?
The government already makes laws, and defines words in those laws. The people also have a law making ability in the state where I live, Michigan. Proposition 2, was the act of the people defining what a marriage is.
To say that the people do not have the right to define a word, is to also say the governments cannot define words, and then the whole controversy is without merit or legal standing.
To say that by defining the word, government excludes one group another, is to say that they cannot do that with other words in existing laws that do in fact, already exclude one group from another.
In fact many of our defined words are just that - exclusions of the defined word. A defined word tells us what it means, and what it does not mean. And in some cases, what it does not mean is very similar to what it does mean.
And if we are going to try to apply the legal system to the word, then one must acknowledge the fact that government was never given the authority by the people to act on this subject. Therefore one could legally argue the government should recuse itself, that is remove itself from this controversy and say they have no authority to make a ruling on it.
It it therefore my conclusion, that since the GBLT community is unwilling to accept a set of laws for a union, this controversy will never be solved and there will always be one group at odds with the other.